Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Diamira Chapters 14-28


Assignment 2 Chapters 14 - 28

Chapter 14

The development of the use of the hand coincided with mental development; with this development great strides are made.

Chapter 15

A child develops his walking ability by being allowed to walk and see his environment at his pace, not an adult’s.

Chapter 16

The child after 3 becomes an individual with a purpose to learn and be independent, expanding on what he formed before three.

Chapter 17

Children should be taught proper names to increase vocabulary, imagination should be used to teach them about things they can not see or experience themselves.

Chapter 18

A character of a child is dependent on his experiences and care from age 0-3, if not when he is in the age of 3-6 is afraid to experience new things, the child need to be fed mentally to develop.

Chapter 19

Work and freedom are needed for the child’s development, concentration and order aids in correcting deviations.

Chapter 20

There are different types of personalities, “stronger and the weaker” while working with others the child grows and becomes balanced.

Chapter 21

The child learns the workings of things around him and he learns to value them.

Chapter 22
In a Montessori classroom the children are part of a community, children learn to support each other in learning, and develop socially.

Chapter 23

The child is part of a social group and learns to concentrate, work independently and with others.

Chapter 24

Neither praise nor complements should be made to the child’s work; the child alone should correct his mistakes, teaching him to be independent in his work.

Chapter 25

The first level is when a child is trying to learn to be obedient, the second level the child learns to obey others wishes, the third level the child knows through obedience he will learn from his teacher.

Chapter 26

The teacher’s discipline allows her to follow the child’s lead and learn from them what they need of her.

Chapter 27

The teacher’s role is to prepare the environment for the child, entice them to the materials and be able to present them and allow them to experience the work on their own so they may grown in learning.

Chapter 28

The love of a child expands through his family and through everyone he touches, we must prepare that child so he may continue to love.


“Insatiable at this age is a child’s thirst for words, and inexhaustible has capacity for learning the.” Page 175

When I read this quote it reminded me of the “parts of a whole” lessons. We have one boy in our classroom that is always drawn to those lessons. He loves learning the vocabulary. It’s amazing how much he retains and uses. I’m sure it’s vocabulary he will carry his whole life.

“Yet I saw in my first school, and in all those which have followed it, that these traits vanish as soon as the children become absorbed in a piece of work that attracts the. The so-called bad qualities, together with the god and superior, all vanish and there remains only one kind of child.” Page 201

We have one boy in our classroom that is a leader; several boys like to follow him around the classroom. When he is busy working and absorbed in his work he isn't distracted by them at all he just focuses on his work. It’s wonderful to see how he loves his work and doesn't let himself get pulled away by them. When that happens the other boys find work to do also.
“There is only one specimen of each object, and if a piece is in use when another child wants it, the latter- if he is normalized will wait for it to be released” page 223

We have new 3 years old as most classrooms have at this time of the year. One little girl has a sister in the classroom that is 5. The other day the 3 year old wanted one of the lessons that was being used. She stood in front of the child and said “I wanted to work with that”. The older sister came over very protective; I watched to see what she would do before saying anything. She took her sister over and told her “You have to wait your turn, find something else to do while you wait.” and walked away. I was very surprised, I expected her to say something to the child with the work but she didn't. The older child is very normalized and accustomed to waiting for lessons she wants to work with. Later on the 3 year old was able to use that work, and another child went to the shelf at the same time, it was a water lesson so she had to have an apron and the 3 year old had one on so she took the lesson, when she had it in her hands she turned to the other child and said. “When I'm done you can do it.” It felt great to hear that coming from her.


grainne said...

That was a wonderful chain reaction! The children learn as much or more from eachother as they do from the teachers. The fact that the little girl had to wait for the lesson taught her to have empathy for the next child who had to wait.

Amy Shao said...


There is a girl in my school who has been coming to the Montessori school for three years, she always says, “I know, I know everything, because I am going to kindergarten on fall”. In the classroom she knows a lot of material and she likes to be around the children if they need her assistance. She also likes new lessons because it gives her a new opportunity to learn. When the teacher has a new lesson in the classroom, she will be the first to try out the new material because she is very interested. Because she is one of the older children in the classroom, she helps out by saying to them, “you forgot to put back your materials” or “you need keep your voice down in the classroom”, or “you forgot to flush the toilet,” etc. These are all natural actions for her to do because she has been around for a while. She is confident in her own actions now and I believe it is because the Montessori education is preparing the right environment for the children.

Trish said...

I always find it amazing to hear how the children mentor each other! I rarely mention to a child if she put her shoe on the opposite foot....I like to wait a bit and see if she finds it uncomfortable. One day, a little girl put her shoes on the opposite feet and was about to get up when an older girl walked by and said, "your shoes are on the wrong feet" The little girl looked down, said, "oh" and quickly switched them without feeling bad or put on the spot. Just a matter of fact from another friend!